"Season of Flying Koalas" is a whimsical portrayal of an otherworldly phenomenon where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur. This painting captures a moment in time where nature's magic is celebrated, and the simple act of walking a dog becomes an encounter with the extraordinary. "Season of Flying Koalas" is not just a visual feast; it's a heartwarming invitation to imagine, to explore, and to believe in the limitless possibilities of our world. Size is 50cm by 40cm
Season of flying koalas
Painting from my Puppets series. Acrylics on canvas. Dimensions are 50 cm by 40 cm. Ready for hanging on the wall. It is an original painting not a reproduction. Painted on canvas. Signed by the artist on the right corner and on the back of the painting. The painting also comes accompanied with a Certificate of Authenticity.